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Tuesday 14 August 2018

Tips on How to Save Money for Your Travels

How to save money on travel is one of the most common questions we get asked.
It’s a great question. Luckily for us, and you, we have some suggestions.
Like us, most people we know include travel high on their priority list each year, as they want to get away from life’s routines and create precious memories. But most people don’t have money trees growing in their back yards – if you do, what’s your address??

Here are some helpful tips on how to save extra cash to build up your traveling money
The coolest way to afford traveling is either you have a rich parents or can be able to save up.
Below are great ways you can save up the necessary amount of money that will be just fine for your traveling expenses and you won’t be broke at the end or stranded.
Travelstart how to save money
First thing first.
#1. Look Into How You Spend Money
If you want to save you need to control your spending habit, or else you will fall broke and stranded. Let take for example your total income for a whole one month is 600$ which before the next salary will come up you would have spent almost all the former salary before the new one come in
When looking on how to save for traveling you really need to cut off some expenses, look into what you buy but not necessary and cut off those expenses for savings.

#2. Set Aside Traveling Fund Account
You need to save money for traveling and other things you will need to travel with. If you can set aside a little money from each day and put it into a travel fund. You might decide to put aside #1000 ($10) each day or week, you’ll have saved over a lot of money without you realizing it after a year — that’s about the cost of a round-trip ticket to Europe and also can get you Cheap Flights to Dubai .If you can save more, even better.
Another option is the 52-week money saving challenge. Basically, you save $1 the first week, $2 the second week, $3 the third week, and so on. By the end of the year, you’ll have nearly $1400.

#3. Book Tickets 4 to 5 Months in Advance

Time is precious so set a good limit I will advise. In order to get a great deal and save some extra money, time when you book your flight. A great money saving tip is to purchase your ticket at least 3 months in advance. You’ll end up saving enough money and have extra money to spend on vacation.

#4. Use the Free Days

Such a simple tip I know but simple is always good. Don’t stay too long when traveling, always choose a less amount of days for traveling. My suggestion is a week at most so you won’t get broke or stranded on a long run. 
I have a list of flight route that is awesome with great view like museums or tourist sites on free days or when they are discounted. Before you go anywhere, make sure you look on their website to find out if they offer free visiting hours or discounts. Spend time staying in a particular place.

#5. Talk to the Locals

This is how we travel. We love getting insider tips from locals. It can go a long way to good advice, a friendship and even a discount. A good ice-breaker is to ask for directions or simple advice (“where’s a good restaurant?”).
Also read more on  How to save money for Travel

#6. Research Your Travel Destination

It is important to research the destination that you’re traveling to. Research the cost of living, as this way you will have an estimated figure of how much you should be saving. A simple Google search will give you great information on hotel and accommodation options. You can also get great suggestions on the best places to eat. It is great to find out what the average prices of popular attractions are and the most popular things to do.

I know you would love to Learn How to Travel Cheaper
Check out tips on how to travel with Cheap Flights


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